If you're planning to upgrade your website in 2021, here are three ways to make your site more user-friendly. Not sure what that means? Consider some of the sites you spend a lot of time on (aside from social media!) Think about what makes them modern and clean, then ask yourself the following questions:
-What makes the site easy to navigate?
-How quickly does the site load?
-How much content is on an average page?
-How long do you have to scroll to find what you need?
-Does the site take up the whole screen? Or do you have to "pinch" to make the text larger/smaller?
Now that your gears are turning, here are three tips for a better website. And remember, if this whole website thing is Greek to you -
contact us for a free web design consultation.
We can review your site together and come up with a game plan that works for your needs and your budget.
Simplify Your Site Navigation
1. Keep your menu simple. Your main navigation should show 5-8 items at most. If you have additional pages that's great, but they should be part of your sub navigation or you could add a sandwich style menu at the top left/right to .show all of your site pages, sub pages etc.
Mobile Friendliness is a Must
2. Make sure your site is mobile friendly. This is a major Google ranking factor so if your site requires users to pinch to zoom in or zoom out, you have some work to do! If your site isn't mobile friendly, chances are it's old. Almost every new website builder is responsive nowadays, so if you're site is still pre-responsive design it's definitely time for an upgrade.
Make Your Message Clear & Your Contact Info Easy to Find
3. Provide a clear call to action on your homepage and make sure your contact information is easy to find. In scrolling your homepage, users should know what your business is all about, how you can help them and how to get in touch with you.
If you ran down this checklist and noticed your site needs some work, don't panic. A website is a constant work in progress. Your existing site can be a great starting point, or you might learn through making changes that the template or theme itself is just too dated. Or if your site was built by someone who never taught you how to manage things on the back end, maybe this is your opportunity to start fresh on a more user friendly platform. Whatever you choose to do, we're here to help.
-The RKC Team
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