Happy weekend! 🥂 I’m currently sipping a glass of bubbly from my favorite vineyard we visited during a recent girls trip to the Finger Lakes, and listening to live music from a distance… not sure if it’s a wedding at the golf course or a band at the restaurant, but it’s just down the hill from our home and they are jammin.’ After a long week of work, kids, school shopping and never ending laundry, this was such a fun surprise. 🎶
Working smarter not harder has given me SO much more freedom to appreciate these little things. If you’re feeling like you have zero energy by Saturday, here are a few tips! ⬇️
-Batch your work. While you’re in the brain space to write, write. Already feeling creative? Work on your creative processes. If you create content or blog or make videos or take photos, do as much of that in one day as possible so you can focus on the next step or another task the next day.
-Eliminate distractions. Set yourself up for success and tidy your workspace the night beforehand so you can wake up and work the next day without worrying about clutter.
-Set a day or time for administrative tasks so you’re not wasting time doing little bits here and there.
-If you’re a graphic or web designer, save complex designs as templates when possible so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel for your next project should it require something similar.
-Find your best time of day to work and plan your day so that you don’t have calls or meetings during that time. I have a “sweet spot” where I feel like I’m most productive so I am sure not to fill that time with other things. It’s been a game changer! Remember, when you work for yourself, you set your schedule. It doesn’t have to look like someone else’s, it just needs to work for you! (I know this can be hard to figure out when you first leave your 9-5!) 🙌
#worksmarternotharder #tips #bossbabe #weekendmode #cheers #hardworkpaysoffs #bizbabe #growthmindset #quoteoftheday #winetime #saturdaynight #getinspired