Congrats on your new website! Getting to this point is a major accomplishment and I'm sure you spent countless hours on your site content, photos, and getting all the details together - so before you launch it and forget about it, be sure your website is set up for success. Today I'm sharing the three items you need to take care of ASAP if you have a new website (or if you never set these things up for your existing site)! Keep reading to learn about the importance of Google Analytics, Google My Business and Google Search Console for your business.
If all of this sounds way over your head and you're already thinking, "I have no idea how to do this" - don't panic. Take things one step at a time and if you get stuck, we're here to help. As a complimentary service we offer Google Analytics set up for each of our web design clients and if we didn't design your website simply ask about our Website Starter Kit. We know your website took countless hours to design and complete so don't let it sit there "collecting dust" - let's put it to work!
Contact us today to get started.
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